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Home » » Skill 32 After Will, Would, or Other Modals, Use The Base Form of The Verb Structure and Written Expression TOEFL

Skill 32 After Will, Would, or Other Modals, Use The Base Form of The Verb Structure and Written Expression TOEFL

Penulis : citrapriski on Sunday, April 30, 2017 | 8:47 PM

Skill 32 After Will, Would, or Other Modals, Use The Base Form of The Verb Setelah Will/Would/Modal, Gunakan Kata Kerja Bentuk Dasar
Kapan pun Anda melihat kata kerja modal, seperti will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, alau must pastikan bahwa kata kerja yang mengikutinya adalah bentuk kata kerja dasar.
·         The boat will Ieaving* at 3:00. (seharusnya: will leave)
·         The doctor may arrives* soon. (seharusnya: may arrive)
·         The students must taken* the exam. (seharusnya: must take)
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  1. Thanks for posting this materials. It helps people easier to understand


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