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Skill 31 After Be, Use The Present Participle or The Past Participle Structure and Written Expression TOEFL

Penulis : citrapriski on Sunday, April 30, 2017 | 8:42 PM

Skill 31 After Be, Use The Present Participle or The Past Participle Setelah Verb “Be’, Gunakan Present Participle atau Past Participle
Verb “be” (to be) dalam beberapa bentuknya (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) bisa diikuti oleh kata kerja Iainya. Kata kerja yang mengikutinya harus dalam bentuk present participle (verb-3 waktu sekarang) atau past participle (verb3 waktu lampau).
·         We are do* our homework. (seharusnya: are doing)
·         The homework was do* early.(seharusnya: was done)
·         Tom is take* the book.(seharusnya: is taking)
·         The book was take* by Tom. (seharusnya: was taken)
(*) salah
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