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Cooperative Learning (S1 Skripsi & S2 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Thursday, March 20, 2014 | 12:29 AM

Click "Detail" to download the full thesis
  1. S1 The Application Of Cooperative Learning In Teaching Degree Of Comparison : an Experimental Study of 2nd year students' at MTs Attaqwa 02 Bekasi Detail
  2. S1 The Teaching of simple present tense through cooperative leraning: the experimental study at the eighth grade students of MTs. Soebono Mantofani Ciputat Detail
  3. S1 Efektifitas pembelajaran kooperatif metode numbered heads together (NHT) terhadap hasil belajar pendidikan Agama Islam di SMP Islam al-Fajar Kedaung Pamulang Detail
  4. S1Implementing Collaborative Learning Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of the Tenth Grade Students of SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar in Academic Year 2012/2013 Detail
  5. S2 Improving Students' TOEIC Score Through Cooperative Learning, An Action Research at Grade Twelve of SMK Negeri 1 Wonogiri Detail
  6. S2 Implementing Cooperative Learning Using Teams Games Tournament to Improve Speaking Skill, A Classroom Action Research on the Eight Grade of SMPN 14 Surakarta Detail
  7. S2 Cooperative Learning in the Elementary Classroom Detail
  8. S2 The Effects of Cooperative Learning Activities on Student Attitudes Towards English Reading Courses Detail
  9. S2 Is Cooperative Learning an Appropriate Pedagogy to  Support the Four Capacities of Curriculum for Excellence Detail
  10. S3 The Effectiveness of Using Cooperative Learning to Promote Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Fluency Achievement Score of Male Fourth and Fifth Grade Students in A Saudi Arabian School Detail
  11. S3 An Investigation of the Use of Cooperative Learning in Teaching English as a Foreign Language with Tertiary Education Learners in China Detail
  12. S3 Effects of Cooperative Learning on Motivation,Learning Strategy Utilization, and Grammar Achievement of English Language Learners in Taiwan Detail
  13. (Journal) The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning on The Reading Comprehension Skills in Turkish as a Foreign Language Detail
  14. (Journal) The Cooperative Learning Effects on English Reading Comprehension
    and Learning Motivation of EFL Freshmen Detail
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