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The Correlation between Vocabulary and Reading (S1 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Sunday, October 18, 2015 | 2:03 AM

  1. The Correlation Between Student's Achievement in Vocabulary and Reading Ability; Case Study at the Second Year Students of MAN II Bekasi, Academic Year 2006-2007 Download
  2. The Correlation between students vocabulary master and reading comprehension Download
  3. The Correlation between students mastery of vocabulary and their reading ability: a case study at the grade students of SMP YMJ Ciputat Download  
  4. The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension of the Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Rilau Ale' Kab. Bulukumba Download
  5.  If you have difficulties to find some references related "correlation between vocabulary and reading. You can read "Chapter II: Theoretical Framework"in previous studies (peneliti terdahulu) and How do we find some books related theories?, you must look at "bibiography",references, or sources of previous studies. 
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