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Using Video in Teaching and Learning English (S1 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Saturday, May 3, 2014 | 4:48 AM

Click "Detail" for seeing the full article and downloading

  1. Using Bubbing Practice through Youtube Video to improve students' self-confidence in Speaking: Action Research at the First Grade Students of SMA Batik 1 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 Detail
  2. The Effectiveness of Using Video in Teaching Listening of Oral Narrative Text Detail
  3. Animation Video to Improve Students' Vocabulary Mastery Detail
  4. Optimizing Youtube Videos to Enrich Students' Vocabulary; An Action Research at the 5th Grade Students of SD Negeri Sanggrahan Surakarta in Academic Year 2009 / 2010 Detail
  5. Optimizing the use of Youtube Videos to Improve Students; Writing Skills; A Classroom Action Research at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Juwiring, Klaten in the Academic Year of 2009/2010 Detail
  6. Enriching Students' Vocabulary Using Theme Based Youtube Video; A Classroom Action Research to the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri in Academic year 2009/2010 Detail
  7. Improving students' motivation in learning english by using english videos : a classroom action researh at the second grade of smp pgri 1 ciputat sout tangerang Detail
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