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Teach and Learn Listening of English (S1 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 | 5:25 AM

 Click "Detail" for seeing the full article and downloading
  1. The Effectiveness of Using Video in Teaching Listening of Oral Narrative Text Detail
  2. A Correlational Study Between Habit in Singing and Listening to English Songs, Vocabulary Mastery, and Speaking Skill of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 3 Surakarta Detail
  3. Teaching listening through storytelling: A Case Study in the First Year Class Junior High School of Paramarta, Jombang Detail
  4. Improving Students' Listening Skills Through Varied Listening Tasks in a Language Laboratory at SMPN 2 Yogyakarta Detail
  5. Correlation Between Listening Scores and Speaking Scores; A Case study with First and Second of English Department the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers' Training Academic Year 2003/2004 Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta Detail
  6. A Study on Teaching Listening Skill Trough Watching Movies at the Eighth Year Students of MTs Nusantara Probolinggo Detail 
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