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Reading (S1 Thesis)

Penulis : citrapriski on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 | 1:27 PM

Click the tittle for downloading the thesis
  1. Teacing Reading Comprehension Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning At Seconnd Year Students of SMP At-Taqwa Bekasi Download
  2. The effectiveness of pre-reading activities to improve students reading comprehension Download
  3. Analysis on the students' linguistic problems in reading comprehension : ( a case study at second grade students of MTs. Baiturrahmah Sukabumi) Download
  4. The use of newspaper articles as supplemantary materials in teaching reading comprehension Download
  5. The influences of 'morning program on vocabulary' on students' reading ability (a pre-experimental study at the second grade of Senior High School, Ceger, Tangerang) Download
  6. The Analysis Of Passager Of English Textbook : Stepping More Download
  7. Using survey,Question read Recite and Review (SQ3R) Teachninque in teaching reading at eigat grade of SMP YPI Bintaro,South Jakarta Download
  8. The Efectiveness of learning reading through collaborative learning: apre-experimental study of the second grade students of SMAN 8 South Tangerang Download
  9. Improving the seventh grade students reading skill by using collaborative learning: (A classroom action research at SMPIT darul muttaqien parung bogor) Download
  10. The Effectiveness of Jigsaw Technique in Teacihing Reading Conprehension : An Experimental Study at the Second Grade of MAN 2 Bekasi Download
  11. Click here to get more reading thesis
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